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Furthermore, the palaeoclimatic conditions changed from humid‐subtropical to warm‐temperate during the sediment deposition in the Ereğli‐Ulukışla Basin. The dominance of woody angiosperms in the pollen assemblages, and increasing variety and abundance of ‘open herbs’ and shrub pollen from the Early Miocene to Late Miocene defines an important change in flora.

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Diversity and abundance of archaic pollen (Normapolles) in the pollen biostratigraphy decreased from the Eocene to Oligocene, while forms with advanced angiosperm morphology (post‐Normapolles), were observed with the increase in post‐Normapolles during the Miocene. In the Ereğli‐Ulukışla Basin, higher palaeotopographic conditions existed in the AT because of the uplift of the Central Anatolian Plateau during late Middle Miocene (Serravallian)‐early Late Miocene (Tortonian) and the subsequent uplift of the Taurus Mountains in the latest Miocene (Messinian) as deduced in the Tepeköy region (northeast) of the HT sub‐basin. These sub‐basins mainly comprise a stratigraphically discontinuous and laterally variable series, represented by ‘fluvio‐lacustrine’ siliciclastic and carbonate sediments deposited over a wide range of environments, including meandering and braided rivers, coastal fluvial and fan deltas, mixed carbonate‐siliciclastic shores, dry lake flats, and coal‐bearing swamps. The Ereğli‐Ulukışla Basin which is the focus of this study is situated at the south‐eastern edge of the Central Anatolian Cenozoic basins (Tuzgölü, Haymana, Çankırı‐Çorum, and Sivas), and is divided into two sub‐basins, the Aktoprak (AT) and Hacıbekirli‐Tepeköy (HT). It is now widely recognized that many orogenic belts, including Keywords: Eastern Mediterranean, Neotethys, Late Cretaceous, Early Tertiary, basin analysis. Suture tightening was complete,by Late Eocene time marked,by collisional deformation,and regional uplift. Possible driving forces were,regional slab pull (of a relict subduction zone) or oblique (diachronous) convergence. 30 Ma) of microcontinental adjustment, including possible strike-slip, palaeorotation and suture tightening, during which the Early Tertiary Ulukõs ¸la Basin developed. We propose that Late Cretaceous ophiolite and me ´lange emplacement,reflect initial ocean basin closure.

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Whole-rock XRF chemical analysis indicates a within-plate origin, with a marked subduction influence, believed to be inherited rather than contemporaneous.,The Ulukõs ¸la Basin formed,after Late Cretaceous ophiolite and me ´lange emplacement and ended with Late Eocene emergence, deformation and onset of Oligo-Miocene non-marine deposition. 2 km) of Upper Paleocene–Lower Eocene basaltic to andesitic submarine pillow lavas, lava flows, volcaniclastic rocks and intercalated limestones. The Ulukõs ¸la Basin includes a thick succession (c. Subsidence curves are consistent with an extensional (or transtensional) basin origin terminated by uplift. The basin stratigraphy records successive phases of transgression, subsidence, volcanism, evaporite deposition, deformation and uplift.

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The Ulukõs ¸la Basin overlies an ophiolitic me ´lange of Late Cretaceous age between,the Bolkar Carbonate Platform to the south and the Nig ùde–Kõrs ¸ehir metamorphic,massif to the north. The Maastrichtian–Late Eocene Ulukõs ¸la Basin is representative of the tectonic and sedimentary evolution of prominent Early Tertiary basins in central Anatolia, including the Tuzgo ¨lu¨ and S ¸ arkõs ¸la basins.

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