Okuni (Japanese: オクニ) - Is the junior warlord of Spectra, who is partnered with Whirlipede.Kai (Japanese: カイヒメ) - Is the junior warlord of Cragspur, who is partnered with Pansear.Aya (Japanese: アヤゴゼン) - Is the older sister of Kenshin, who is partnered with Cubchoo.Kanetsugu (Japanese: カネツグ) - Is the junior warlord of Illusio, who is partnered with Gardevoir.Magoichi (Japanese: マゴイチ) - Is the junior warlord of Avia, who is partnered with Carnivine.Yukimura (Japanese: ユキムラ) - Is the junior warlord of Terrera, who is paired with Tepig.Kunoichi (Japanese: クノイチ) - Is a ninja of Terrera, she assists Yukimura and Shingen.

Kanbei (Japanese: カンベエ) - He, along with Hanbei, is one of Hideyoshi's personal advisers and junior Warlords.

Despite his appearance, Hanbei is the older of the two, who is paired with Pikachu. Hanbei (Japanese: ハンベエ) - He, along with Kanbei, is one of Hideyoshi's personal advisors and junior Warlords.He's paired with Aggron then later Registeel. Ieyasu (Japanese: イエヤス) - One of Nobunaga's top generals in the main story.Kotarō (Japanese: コタロウ) - A ninja paired with Zoroark, who is the warlord of Yaksha.She's paired with Mismagius and is the Warlord of Spectra. Nō (Japanese: ノウヒメ) - One of Nobunaga's top generals in the main story.Ujiyasu (Japanese: ウジヤス) - A character paired with Boldore, who is the warlord of Cragspur.Yoshimoto (Japanese: ヨシモト) - A character paired with Pineco, who is the warlord of Chrysalia.Kenshin (Japanese: ケンシン) - A character paired with Gallade then later Mewtwo, who is the warlord of Illusio.Masamune (Japanese: マサムネ) - A character paired with Braviary, who is the warlord of Avia.Shingen (Japanese: シンゲン) - A character paired with Rhyperior then later Groudon, who is the warlord of Terrera.Nene (Japanese: ネネ) - A ninja paired with Golbat, who is the warlord of Viperia.Yoshihiro (Japanese: ヨシヒロ) - A character paired with Gurdurr, who is the warlord of Pugilis.Mitsuhide (Japanese: ミツヒデ) - One of Nobunaga's top generals in the main story He is paired with Lapras then later Articuno and is the warlord of Nixtorm.Motonari (Japanese: モトナリ) - A character paired with Servine, who is the warlord of Greenleaf.Ginchiyo (Japanese: ギンチヨ) - A character paired with Luxio, who is the warlord of Violight.Motochika (Japanese: モトチカ) - A character paired with Dewott, who is the warlord of Fontaine.Hideyoshi - A character paired with Infernape in the trailer and a Monferno in leaked images and is the warlord of Ignis.Nobunaga (Japanese: ノブナガ) - The warlord of Dragnor.Oichi (Japanese: オイチ) - The protagonist's guide during the main story and Nobunaga's sister.But if you're new to this kind of puzzle game, love Pokemon with all your heart, or are just looking for something fun and not the least bit stressful, you'll find Pokemon Cafe Mix is like a warm latte with a good friend. Pokemon purists may also complain that this is only superficially Pokemon-esque, save for how serving Charmander a good latte makes him your friend, while link-3 puzzle fans may find it doesn't add anything new to the genre. This, obviously, removes the challenge of having to locate multiples of the same icons on the board, since you can just shove them into each other. While linking icons, you also push them around, and thus can push them into other icons of the same kind. The thing is - this may be just a bit too easy. You can even combine Cafe Skills together for extra powerful moves. Fill Eevee's Cafe Skill meter, for instance, and you get an Eevee icon, which takes out everything in a three-icon radius. By matching their icons, you fill their Cafe Skills meter so you can deploy their special moves. Good thing you have Pokemon who can help you. The objective, as always, is to get all the ones you need before you run out of moves. Using the touchscreen, you have to link together some Pokemon icons, which removes them from the board.
#Pokemon cafe mix porn series#
In Pokemon Cafe Mix, you run a solving a series of link-3 puzzles. Like other puzzle games taking visual inspiration from cartoons, movies, and other games, this puzzler is as fun for fans of these games as it is for people into Pokemon fans.