If you have a computer or interactive whiteboards, there is relatively inexpensive software that allows your iPad screen to show up on another screen (this is called syncing or mirroring). This may be a good option if no other technology is available to you. Apple sells adapter cords that can be hooked up to an actual projector. You will need something that allows you to do this. Once you decide on the screen you will use, the next step is syncing your iPad. Many schools don’t have access to these types of technology so the other option is using another computer screen. Some classrooms may have interactive whiteboards such as SmartBoards or Mimeo Boards. ( read this post to learn more about TapIt). In the program I work in, we are lucky enough to have a large portable screen called a TAPit. First you need to figure out what type of screen you will use. There are a couple of ways to project your iPad. Having a larger screen in the center really keeps the group’s focus. With the iPad I can read an interactive story and place the iPad right in front of the students who need it closer. Once I turn to show other members of the group the page, the student has lost interest. Something like a book doesn’t hold my students’ attention. This is great for groups because it engages the kids so much! It especially helps my students on the spectrum who have trouble visually attending.

Recently, I’ve learned how to project my iPad to a larger screen. One of my own goals is to use the technology I have in really fun and engaging ways. A lot of my coworkers are setting goals for themselves this year to use more technology.